
People often talk about performers having ‘presence’ as if they have an innate charm that the rest of us are born without. For me, presence is about being aware: of myself – how I move, my feeling state, thoughts which come and go, and my environment – the people and the space around me.
As an improvisor how I carry out an action is more important than what the action is. By being in the here and now I realise there is nothing I have to do. I follow my curiosity which can lead to the unfolding of many possibilities: the telling of a story, the singing of a melody, a dance or the emerging of a character.
--Kate Hilder

Presence Practise No 1
The Orchestra of Sound
There is a constant orchestra of sound which accompanies us day to day. Pay attention to the sounds that you hear: bird song, car engines, footsteps, people’s voices, your breath…………is there ever silence or does silence have a sound too?

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